primer país: an artist statement

Image is a still from primer país by wendy barrales

Image is a still from primer país by wendy barrales

In the summer of 2016, I interviewed my 81 year old abuelita Aída. We sat in my father’s house, just 30 minutes outside of Los Angeles, and enjoyed chopped fruit with sprinkled tajin-- mango sandia y jicama. For over two hours we talked about her life in rural Veracruz, raising her children in Mexico City’s neighborhood of Tepito, and their journey across la frontera from Tijuana to Los Angeles. Recounting tender moments of loss, joy, and triumph, I wondered how I could share her story with the world. 

How could we ensure that stories like my abuelita’s --- stories created by, for, and about women of color --- are preserved? 

The hours of audio then became the focus of my piece primer país -- a short film representing the most compelling moments of my grandmother’s interview: her last moments with her mother.

¿Cuáles fueron las últimas palabras con su madre?

Through visuals, audio and movement, I wanted to explore the beauty and cruelty of motherhood, the complexity of mother daughter relationships, and the transition from daughter to mother. From the accordion music, to the repetition of domestic labor, the piece is intentionally centered on my identity as a Chicana, daughter of immigrants, descendent of indigenous women, and Spanish speaker. It is centered on my raíces.

The title primer país is inspired by nayyirah waheed’s poem where she refers to our mothers as our first country. Abuelita lived in Veracruz, Tepito,  & California, but her first dwelling was inside Josefina. Thus,  primer país is about the first place abuelita lived, both literally and figuratively. This piece is meant to acknowledge, preserve, and thank the matriarchs of my family whose shoulders I stand on, and to remember all of our primer países --- ahora y siempre.


searching for mami & abuelita

